Welcome to our Family's Bragging Page!

This is a fun place to be if you know us! We love to brag about all the wonderful new things our kids are doing and this is the main bragging location for us! We will also keep you updated on travels, events, birthday's, anniversary's and just fun stories! Enjoy the pictures and videos! They are some of our favorites! Also you can link to family and friends who also have blogs.

Captured Moments

Happy Birthday Sheryl!

Sheryl turned 29 on Jan. 2nd but is still in denial of being that old!!
Her calling in church with the Primary kids keeps her "Forever Young"... and she IS the 5th child, so can you REALLY trust that her parents kept accurate record. She believes she probably around 23 or so.


Robbie and Ashlee said...

lol, you are so cute! Try thinking of it this way... 30 is the new 20! And you're 29... so that must be the new 19, right? Yeah, so you're 19.... ;)

Stacey said...

You are old!!!!!!!!!!!

Stacey said...

Don't feel to bad... I am 30 and I totally felt it. The weirdest thing for me is to think that Shelby is going to be in YW this year!

Patti said...

Yea Sheryl.. you're actually 29.. I was there! (maybe I shouldn't admit that) If you are old, what does that make me???? Ancient I guess......(love, your OLDer sister)