Welcome to our Family's Bragging Page!

This is a fun place to be if you know us! We love to brag about all the wonderful new things our kids are doing and this is the main bragging location for us! We will also keep you updated on travels, events, birthday's, anniversary's and just fun stories! Enjoy the pictures and videos! They are some of our favorites! Also you can link to family and friends who also have blogs.

Captured Moments

Pioneer Day Parade!

We celebrated the 24th of July (Pioneer Day in Utah) a little early with a neighborhood Pioneer Day parade! With help from our kind neighbor, we made our kids' wagon look like a covered wagon and attached it to the back of Kara's bike. She pedaled along actually pulling Trevor who was riding in the covered wagon waving his Flag! We just went a few blocks around the neighborhoood but it was hot, and by the end we realized none of us would have made good pioneers! We couldn't even make it a few blocks without begging for A/C and popsicles! We are so weak!


Robbie and Ashlee said...

okay... they are so cute, the wagon is adorable, and you my dear are absolutely hillarious! promised land or bust... lol. you're funny.

Lisa said...

I didn't know you blog! How fun! I stumbled along this from Mike and Laurens and I hope you don't mind! I hope all is well with your sweet family! feel free to email me @ LisaAnderson122@gmail.com and I will invite you to my blog :)