Welcome to our Family's Bragging Page!

This is a fun place to be if you know us! We love to brag about all the wonderful new things our kids are doing and this is the main bragging location for us! We will also keep you updated on travels, events, birthday's, anniversary's and just fun stories! Enjoy the pictures and videos! They are some of our favorites! Also you can link to family and friends who also have blogs.

Captured Moments

Green Eggs and Ham!

March 15, 2009. While mommy was away at meetings after church Daddy served Green Eggs and "Ham" (Bologna)! What a fun Daddy! They couldn't wait to tell mommy when I got home! What a fun way to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday and St. Patricks day all in one!

Daddy created this lunch unsupervised, and that's why Kara is still wearing her beautiful "Easter/Birthday" dress from Auntie Colleen and Uncle Shawn. Boy was he lucky that we have a very neat eater for a daughter! Not a drop of green got on her beautiful dress! Way to go Kara!

1 comment:

Robbie and Ashlee said...

Wow, that's so creative! Way to go Jeff! I don't think I ever would have been able to come up with such a cute idea. I bet that was so fun for them!