Welcome to our Family's Bragging Page!

This is a fun place to be if you know us! We love to brag about all the wonderful new things our kids are doing and this is the main bragging location for us! We will also keep you updated on travels, events, birthday's, anniversary's and just fun stories! Enjoy the pictures and videos! They are some of our favorites! Also you can link to family and friends who also have blogs.

Captured Moments

Our Little Gymnast

In January Kara started her first Gymnastic class. It is an 8 week course for 3-4yr olds. She loves it! Though she's been doing cartwheels all over the house all by herself for months, when her instructor asked her if she could do a cartwheel, she replied, "No." She won't perform for them at all, but in our living room, she can do whole gymnastics routines all on her own!

Dressed up in her leotard, waiting for her Gymnastics class to begin.

Kara walking on the Balance beam...backwards! (with a big GRIN!)

1 comment:

Robbie and Ashlee said...

Oh my goodness Kara is just too cute! I LOVE the picture of her sitting cross-legged with her nails all painted and that smug little look on her face. SO cute!