Welcome to our Family's Bragging Page!

This is a fun place to be if you know us! We love to brag about all the wonderful new things our kids are doing and this is the main bragging location for us! We will also keep you updated on travels, events, birthday's, anniversary's and just fun stories! Enjoy the pictures and videos! They are some of our favorites! Also you can link to family and friends who also have blogs.

Captured Moments


For Halloween Kara was witch with purple hair and Trevor was, of course, Spiderman with Muscles! Tradition has it that Jeff has to come up with some way to scare some people to death so he did. He sat under a table for a few hours and grabbed innocent trick-or-treater hands when they tried to take a candy. He got some good screams. Ahh boy. Traditions.


Janelle said...

They make bowls with grabbing hands like that, so poor Jeff doesn't have to sit under a table with his hand in the air all night. :)

Kristin said...

Jeff, that is awesome! Yes, those bowls with the fake grabbing hands exist, but nothing bets the real deal!